Saturday, May 16, 2009

25 weeks and 2 days

I figured it was probably about time for new belly shot.  So here I am at 25 weeks and 2 days.  The pregnancy is moving along fine and I have no new news as far as Little Miss Sunshine goes.  She seems to be the most active during the evenings and night and Tim has been able to feel her moving a few times.  She likes to stop moving as soon as he puts his hand on my belly.  So far she isn't keeping me awake at night with her moving.  I don't know if she isn't moving strongly enough, yet, to keep me awake or if I can just sleep through anything.  I do get up a few times a night to go to the bathroom, but I can usually fall back to sleep fairly easily.  Either way, I'm going to enjoy the sleep now while I can.  

May started out busy and is continuing to fly by.  We are getting ready to go out to Nebraska to help get Tim's grandma's house ready to sell.  We'll be acquiring Tim's dresser from his boyhood days for Little Miss Sunshine to use.  Which means we'll be driving back home rather than flying.  We'll be stopping in Omaha to say hello to one of our Navy buddies, Amy, and then staying overnight at Tim's aunt Pat's house and visiting with her and his Grandma Burbach.  

Here are two videos from the 22 week ultrasound.  In the first one where you see the red and blue, that is showing the blood flow through her heart.  One color is blood flowing towards the probe, the other is blood flowing away.  During the actual ultrasound the tech did that for the umbilical cord, too.  Then later on in that video, the ultrasound tech changes the probe and you see her set up for the 3D pics.  Like I said before, we think they look a little freaky.  Turn up the volume on the second video and you'll hear her heart beat near the end.  As you see in the videos, she was moving around quite a bit.  

1 comment:

  1. How fun to watch the videos and hear her heart beating! I always loved that part! And cute belly pic! :) Glad she isn't keeping you up at night!!


pregnancy due date