Thursday, February 26, 2009

Our Baby and the Environment - Part 2

In the last post I discussed some of the ways we are being environmentally friendly in raising our baby.  Today I'm going to discuss the Top 4 Ways we aren't being Green in our baby raising (I'm sure there are more ways, but I can only think of 4 off the top of my head - sorry):

1. Having a baby in the first place - the world is overpopulated enough as it is and there are plenty of children in need of good homes.  Yet we're having a baby anyway and we planned it.  All I'm going to say is, oh well.  Don't worry, though, I'm not going to pop out 14 kids like a certain California mom.  One, two tops, and we're done.  Family planning, it's the next best thing.

2. Clothes, bed linens, etc. - As nice as it would be to have all organic cotton clothes and bed linens, it just isn't going to be.  For one thing, with organic, your choices are limited.  You can find a lot on the internet, but still not as much as normal clothes and they are about twice the price (or more) than regular clothes.  And if you're buying online, you're also paying shipping fees.  Just not all that realistic if you ask me.  I do plan on buying clothes at second hand shops and using hand me downs, but I'm not going to go nuts on organic only brand new clothes and bedding.  There are just too many cute outfits out there to go organic only.

3. Toys - Like organic cotton, environmentally friendly toys are not in abundance at our local Targets and toy stores.  Also, like organic cotton, they are quite a bit more expensive.  Not to mention that once our baby reaches a certain age, I doubt s/he will care that Barbie/GI Joe (or whoever is popular with the kids these days) isn't made of all natural products.  One thing, though, that I will be anal about when it comes to toys, will be baby toys and teethers that s/he will potentially put in his/her mouth.

4. Baby Mobile - This summer (hopefully before baby comes) we'll be getting rid of Tim's car and getting a new (to us) car.  As much as I would like to get a super gas efficient Toyota Prius or similar, it just isn't practical for us.  We need something in which we can haul around the baby and the dogs.  SUV's aren't great on gas or the environment, unless you go with a hybrid and they are too expensive for us at the moment.  SUV's also aren't really our style.  So we're most likely going with a station wagon.  Not great on gas, but not horrible either.  Dogs can ride around in the back and the baby doesn't get his/her face licked the whole ride.  Everyone's happy - at least in our family. ...Okay, maybe Tacy won't be so happy with this new arrangement, but she'll have to get used to it.

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