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We had the 2nd trimester ultrasound yesterday and it's a girl! In this picture the arrow is pointing to the goods or lack thereof. That's the labia. She cooperated quite nicely with getting that picture. Not so much with getting one of the heart pictures the technician wanted and did eventually get. She was moving around quite a bit.

We had the 2nd trimester ultrasound yesterday and it's a girl! In this picture the arrow is pointing to the goods or lack thereof. That's the labia. She cooperated quite nicely with getting that picture. Not so much with getting one of the heart pictures the technician wanted and did eventually get. She was moving around quite a bit.
More importantly, the ultrasound showed everything to be normal. We got to see and hear her heart beating (146 bpm), which was really cool, and the different sections of her brain, head measurements, her kidneys, spine, arms, legs, and face. Her weight is "good enough" which I took to mean she's on the small side of normal. Since I'll be the one pushing her out, I'm totally fine if she wants to continue being on the small side of normal.
These next two pictures are 3D pictures. Tim and I think they look freaky and like an alien underwater. There is one he didn't scan that looks really creepy.
As far as how I'm doing - blood pressure, urine, etc, - all is well and the same as the last time. My next appointment is on May 26th and I'll have the glucose test done then.
The bookcase/bed combo is mostly finished. Tim stained it last weekend but wants to do some touch up staining where he added wood filler. We'll have it in the computer room by the time Nancy and Phil get here for a visit next week. We'll leave the spare bed in the baby room until the end of their stay to give them more room.